2003-10-24 + 6:08 p.m.
It came from the deep!!

You know the funniest thing i saw today was this..

I was stood on the front of the bus this morning and we had stopped at a stop. Just after we pulled away a girl came from the back of the bus and yelled to the driver, 'i think you need to stop, my friend has been sick', closely followed by the whitest/greenest looking person i ever saw holding her hand over her mouth and stumbling off the bus.

The next stop was about ten minutes drive away through busy traffic so the driver could not check the damage.

The route that the bus takes goes straight down the high street and down a steep(ish) hill and this is where 'sickbusfrogger' began.

As the bus steeped forward and the breaks of the bus came on and off due to the traffic the puke started rolling down the bus under the seats, the crazy thing was as the sick moved down a seat, the people moved (in unison) with it, seat by seat, then another and then another, some people changed seats five times before they realised they were better off to stand at the front of the bus where i was stood, the final result ended in twenty or so people crammed cowering petrified into a five person standing area like a scene from some twisted horrer b-movie. I was just about to throw 'the old guy' stood next to at it, to distract it while i broke the door down with the fire extinguisher in a desperate attempt for survival, but my stop came in the mean time so the bus driver just let me out instead.

You find unlikely hero's in all walks of life its true.

this + that

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