2003-07-22 + 5:51 p.m.
and you thought my other 'i hate work' posts were bad!

well just got home from work, what can i say, it just doesnt go away. I wake up every morning and its there!. My boss suggested i may prefer to change departments, i said i didnt want to, the department he is refering to is no different i worked that one before, i wish they would just leave it at the fact its a shit job an people dont like doing it, why do they have to keep comeing up with these great new plans, its shit, the end. Its not the best paid job, its not a job people are dying to do its just random 'office' job , its warehouse work with a suit,tie and pc, millions of people are doing these jobs around the world, they hate them too as does my boss an i suspect his boss above him, every two months we have to go on a personal meeting with our bosses as part of out 'personal development plan' we have to set ourselves goals to complete for the following two months, its called I.I.P., its a recognised award that all major Uk companys are doing, to be honest it means fuck all, its just another 'keeping up with the jones's' pointless routine we have to go through to show the company gives a shit about its staff, the problem is they dont, the I.I.P. helps us if we apply internally for jobs and is voluntary (but god fucking help us if we say we dont want to do it).

So i go to this meeting every two months and write up my plan, my boss knows i dont want to move up the ladder so i write three or four goals i.e writing c.v., training new people, streamlineing my work. I then go away an come back two months later haveing achieved none of these and we scrap them and write out another three of four, its being going on like this for allmost four years.

We have had a new thing brought in recently, what they do is pick five pieces of your work each month an scrutinize them and award you 20% on each peice, if you make one mistake (however big or small),you lose 20%, the peices of work they choose is totally random, we allready have normal checking teams in place, this new procedure does nothing, it is purely there to name and shame people, not very I.I. fucking P. but there you go. I argue every week with my boss about this thing, i say to him i could do 100 peices of work an get 95 right an they may just happen to pick up my 5 errors an i get a big fat zero, or i could do 95 wrong an they make get the only 5 i did write (small chance of getting that i know but i think you get the point), i tell them its like a random lottery and a bad waste of time and money an generally just not good for anyones morale, however they disagree. I have asked them what positive steps this brings to our daily work life, they dont seem to answer that question. My boss is not stupid, he knows what im saying an im sure underneath it all he agrees with me, he wont fight the cause, he doesnt want to rock the boat, he is looking for a promotion.

My friend today went for a job as a boss, i was asked why i didnt apply, and hence i didnt reply. i would love to move up in a career, i would love to feel like im acheiving a goal and makeing progress instead of continually feeling like im sat in a boat with a hole in it throwing water out the side as fast as its filling up. MY friend has done a shit load of preperation, she has spent a weeks rehearsing what she will say and makeing a c.v. i wish her luck, the last person who was promoted went the other way, she fucked the boss (happily (har har) married with 2 kids) at the last christmas party and two weeks later she has a raise and is ordering people about, she has only worked there 3 months, she doesnt know anything about the place, me an another friend have to keep saveing her arse, i hate her an the whole fucking logic of it with a passion, its not an insentive to make me want to do well, its an insentive to make me want to clean her coffee cup out with toilet water, ive heard of fast tracking up the company but im not sure that was in the procedures?. We have had our share of legitmate (har har) fast trackers they are twenty year old kids who kiss some arse and in two years time are ordeing three hundred of us around, hireing and fireing as they feel fit and bringing in great 'quality' checking and motivation techniques (see above), they havent earned thier title, they have no perception of what the real problems are, they havent ever dealt with people management, they havent worked thier way up, although they do have nice sports cars an big pay checks an nice little blonde girls who like to spend thier money for them. Its weird, when i have to socialise with these people they dont understand why i hate them and why i ignore and avoid them, why do they not get this? why do they think i have any respect for them an this company, i dont know which part of 'Fucking Arseholes' they are not understanding?, its buisness you might say, you have to roll with the punches you say, fuck you...

This is why companies perform poorly

This is why staff are unhappy

This is why the UK and probably most other countries economic systems are getting worse an worse

....It is fucking idiots at the top makeing stupid decisions based on nothing but thier own pay packets.

We have also had a new thing in recently, a lot of our call centre is now running straight from india, basically they pay them minimum wages over there and sack a big load of us, its cheaper for them. As a buisness it makes good sense i agree, they can get very cheap labour from top quality educated people, Wedgewood the largest UK pottery firm has allmost sacked all of its english staff recently so the 'authentiacally Uk hand crafted pottery' you see is now actually made in the uk VIA india.

We had a video shown for us today of how we are succsefully initiating this cross over, its really cute, these people have to read english new papers and tv guides an know the weather forecast and learn english accents (as straight english/indian accents are not considered Cockney or liverpudlian or cornish enough), they are also showing how the indian staff have had to change thier own names to english names (how fucking noble), its refreshing to know we are so respectful of thier cultures an not trying to 'westernise' them (sarcasm). companies suck.

I guess the only good thing to come out of this is that when they do eventually start sacking us they will be sacking a lot of people right up the chain, my boss thier boss an probably thier bosses will all feel the pinch allthough im sure a lot of them will have arse kissed thier way into a new 'essential to the company' position by then. To be honest the whole thing disgusts me an i cant hide it, i try not to air my views but lets just say it not very I.I.P..

P.S before you think im being racist, i have nothing against other cultures doing the jobs im glad that they are, im glad that they are haveing oppotunities, i just think our companies could be helping them out to start themselves, educate them on buisnesses and promoteing the humanitarinism a little more, not just makeing a fast buck while they can at the expense of everyone.

Greedy little companies, you suck!.

this + that

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